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Various rock 和 roll albums 和 posters


以上图片来源: Pexels.com

你有没有想过摇滚音乐是从哪里开始的,这些年来又发展到哪里去了? 或者你可能想知道谁是影响你最喜欢的乐队? 许多现代乐队表示,他们最大的灵感来自于一些最具影响力的摇滚乐队和艺术家. 今天的摇滚乐, including all the various genres such as 迷幻 rock, 摇滚民谣, 坚硬的岩石, 金属, 难看的东西, 古典摇滚和软摇滚可以一直追溯到20世纪40年代和南方的布鲁斯音乐. 但是在50年代, 艺术家们接受了传统的蓝调,并把它改变成他们认为合适的样子, 创造摇滚.

查克贝瑞 被广泛认为是摇滚乐最重要的先驱之一. 他开创了一种与当时所有音乐规范相矛盾的新声音, including two of his most iconic songs 和 rock 和 roll staples, “Rock 和 Roll Music” (Released September, 1957年)和Johnny B. 古德(1958年3月31日发布). 如果不是查克·贝里对摇滚乐的贡献, 许多艺术家和乐队很可能永远不会形成或成为我们今天所看到的有影响力的传奇人物, 包括披头士乐队, 海滩男孩, 滚石乐队 和 artists like Elvis Presley 和 吉米·亨德里克斯. 贝瑞的蝴蝶效应影响了整个岩石. 而贝瑞本人在法律和虐待方面也有过麻烦的历史, his contributions to rock should not overlooked, as his influence on the genre is monumental.

(上图来源: Pexels.com)

In Liverpool at the beginning of the 1960’s, 约翰·列侬, 保罗·麦卡特尼, George Harrison 和 Ringo Starr would come together to form 甲壳虫乐队. 乐队的成立标志着摇滚史上另一个最重要、最具影响力的时刻. 有了他们,甲壳虫乐队会引起整个英国的歇斯底里,也被称为 披头士狂热, which would become an international phenomenon soon after. Throughout their short run of around 10 years of operation, 甲壳虫乐队以其影响力和开创的新音乐风格彻底改变了音乐界, 例如, 甲壳虫乐队 are cited as being the pioneers of the 概念专辑 还有音乐录影带. 披头士乐队在音乐史上被称为“大萧条”的时期大受欢迎 英国入侵, 那里有许多乐队, 来自英国的艺术家和流行文化在美国迅速流行起来.

吉米·亨德里克斯, 另一位60年代的艺术家, 也被认为是推动了摇滚流派和电吉他的发展, using styles 和 techniques such as "wah" 和 fuzz 踏板, 哪些没有被广泛使用, 以及亨德里克斯从旧布鲁斯风格中改编的新的吉他拾取技巧. These new 声音s helped Hendrix to st和 out from other artists, 和 maintain a significance in rock even to this day. Some of his most influential songs include "紫色的烟雾" 和 a cover of Bob Dylan's "All Along The Watchtower". Hendrix's life was tragically cut short at the age of 27, placing him in a unique group of artists along with Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin 和 Jim Morrison known as the "27 Club", artists who all passed away at the age of 27.

吉米·亨德里克斯  在60年代和70年代初,披头士乐队并不是唯一使用吉他的艺术家,他们的吉他风靡一时. 本世纪初在加州成立的另一个团体是 海滩男孩. 海滩男孩在60年代的冲浪场景中有自己的音乐风格. 他们的第一首单曲,”Surfin””, would lead them to be signed by Capitol Records in 1962. 然而,他们在1964年发行的《欧亚体育》(I Get Around)才是最成功的。. 虽然海滩男孩不会像披头士那样拥有那么多的冠军单曲, 他们仍然是有史以来最具影响力的摇滚乐队之一,创作了极具影响力的作品, 其中一个例子是 宠物的声音, an album that is said to be one of the greatest of all time, 和 is even cited by 保罗·麦卡特尼 as being the inspiration for Sgt. 佩珀的孤独之心俱乐部乐队, which is also known as one of the greatest albums of all time.

当硬摇滚类型在六七十年代发展时,其他形式的摇滚也在发展. A 摇滚民谣 运动兴起于60年代. 这种流派使用原声乐器,而不是其他摇滚流派严重扭曲的吉他, 它更倾向于关注经典的美国和英国民间音乐, with a heavier focus on vocals 和 lyrical subject matter. Popular b和s 和 artists from this genre include 爸爸妈妈 & 的爸爸 还有西蒙和加芬克尔. Soft rock would also grow during this time, 与民谣摇滚有相似的特点, such as acoustic instruments 和 a focus on vocals. 爸爸妈妈 & 的爸爸' in particular recorded a very successful song, "加州梦”".

(上图来源: Pexels.com)

The 70s saw a continuation from the late 60s 英国入侵 声音. 最值得注意的是,经典摇滚将继续由乐队和艺术家发展,比如鲍勃·迪伦, 滚石乐队, who were seen as 'competitors' to 甲壳虫乐队, 和 other artists such as David Bowie. 70年代也见证了硬摇滚从AC/DC乐队、齐柏林飞艇乐队和史密斯飞船乐队演变而来. 硬摇滚通常被定义为严重扭曲的电吉他和响亮的人声. Hard rock is commonly used in conjunction with 金属, 和 the two genres are frequently mixed up, but they do have differences that define each. 金属, 在70年代也开始增长, 是典型的比硬摇滚节奏更快的流派,有很长的吉他独奏.

艺术摇滚 迷幻摇滚(迷幻 rock)和迷幻摇滚(迷幻 rock)是两个松散地相互使用的术语,用来描述一种专注于乐器和一些奇怪概念的摇滚类型. 平克·弗洛伊德 深入研究 迷幻 声音 which would eventually become synonymous with their name. 迷幻的声音通常被归类为大量使用电子声音, feedback loops 和 experimental concepts.  In 1973 平克·弗洛伊德 released their biggest album 《月亮的阴暗面, 哪张专辑保持了在美国公告牌黑胶唱片和磁带排行榜上停留时间最长的记录, staying for a total of over 972 nonconsecutive weeks. Many artists are credited for popularizing this 声音, 有些是深红国王, The Doors 和 more recently Tame Impala.

从70年代到80年代, other artists 和 b和s came out with their takes on the rock genre, 比如布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 女王, ZZ Top, 世卫组织, Electric Light Orchestra Steely Dan 和 Fleetwood Mac. 所有这些艺术家都为摇滚流派做出了贡献,每个人都有自己的热门歌曲. 尤其是女王,“波西米亚狂想曲", 这首歌的风格前所未见,也从未被成功复制. Lynyrd Skynyrd也发布了自由的鸟", a song with an almost five minute long guitar solo.

在70年代末和80年代初,流行摇滚开始发展. 经典摇滚的声音和新添加的吸引人的钩子和合成器的结合将摇滚与迪斯科和流行的声音融合在一起,创造了另一种形式的经典流派. 可能属于这一类型的艺术家包括王子、U2和Tears for Fears. These artists each created incredibly popular songs like “紫色的雨“王子,”有你或没有你U2乐队和每个人都想统治世界《恐惧的眼泪》.

(上图来源: Pexels.com)

Throughout the 80s, many different b和s came 和 went. Most notably, there was a rise in popularity of 金属 b和s. 金属, 如上所述, is a genre of rock that has very heavily distorted guitars, 长吉他独奏和响亮的人声. Notable 金属 和 坚硬的岩石 b和s include KISS, 金属乐队, Megadeth, 黑色安息日, Van Halen 和 artists like Ozzy Osbourne. 虽然金属乐从60年代就开始流行了,但在80年代才大受欢迎. 金属 split off in to many different subgenres, the most notable genre of the 80s being hair 金属, 这是一种更流行的声音,在整个美国都很受欢迎.

Despite the hair 金属 b和s of the 80s showing no signs of stopping, 一种反主流文化正在西雅图兴起,并将在90年代初迅速流行起来, marking the end of the glamorous 金属 b和s. While many different names have been used to describe the genre, 难看的东西 is the most widely accepted 和 used term. A genre which has its roots in Seattle, WA, 难看的东西 is everything that the 金属 b和s of the 80s were not. It was rough, unproduced 和 far more underground. 一些特别著名的垃圾摇滚乐队包括涅槃乐队、声音花园乐队、珍珠果酱乐队和锁链中的爱丽丝乐队. 垃圾摇滚来得正是时候,它引起了流行的爆发. 90年代中期,也就是库尔特·柯本去世前后,垃圾摇滚的流行度开始下降.

从90年代末到21世纪初, there were many different subgenres of rock that were formed, some examples being alternative rock 和 indie rock, which have seen major popularity into the 2010s. Successful b和s to come out of this time include Green Day, 电台司令, 二人组合the White Stripes, 喷火战机, 威瑟合唱团, 红辣椒和酷玩乐队. 最近, fewer b和s have been seen forming in mainstream music, 相反,越来越多的独奏艺术家自己演奏乐器或有伴奏乐队. As seen in a lot of genres such as pop 和 rap, 用电脑数字化创作器乐音轨也变得流行起来. 独唱艺人和数字作曲曲目可能会导致传统摇滚乐队的减少, but the genre is growing more popular every day. With the introduction of streaming apps over the past few years, 和 b和s utilizing social media to get their names out, more people are able to discover new music. The next big names are just around the corner, 和 nothing can tell where the genre will be taken next.





Alej和ro “Aj” Carter is a junior at CCHS 和 a writer for the 掠袭者审查. Some of his hobbies include music, guitar 和 art.

Aj writes predominantly music-focused articles. 他最喜欢的消遣活动包括弹吉他和学习新音乐, 与朋友共度时光, 和 learning more about his interests.

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